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From The Place You Would Rather Be

Writer: Jade LeeJade Lee

The attitude of yourself and those around you goes a long way to determining the behaviour which is acceptable and in turn, the atmosphere that is created in that workplace. I was often asked, "Why you are so happy at work?" And I would answer with honesty, "What is the alternative? I could be miserable, but where would that get me?" The behaviour of those in the team drives the perception of the team, and in most cases, the behaviour is determined by the level of motivation that someone has for the work.

We have all worked with people who should have left their jobs years ago as have we seen new employees come into an organisation all eager and positive just to have that crushed with the reality of the environment in which they are working. When coaching people, I encourage them to make a choice. Is your current reality what you want? If not, change something. We can’t all have a job where we are sunbathing with a Corona being served to us in an ice bucket. (I wonder if I can get someone to pay me to do that?) The reality is that you spend a lot of time at work and being frustrated and depressed by the environment is not assisting anyone.

Many years ago, I was managing a team member who always saw the negative in the situation. When we would catch up for our one-on-ones, they would always have a complaint (or 10!), some of which had merit in being rectified, which I addressed to support my team. After a few months, I had the realisation that it did not matter what I did to contribute to improving the situation the team member would always find fault. I established that they just liked to whinge. So, I let them whinge and suggested that implementing a more positive attitude might be helpful. They chose to leave the role not long after that, which I was not concerned about as I resented the amount of energy she was extracting from both myself and the team.

I saw this quote and it conjured up positive vibes for me:

“Work done with a cheerful attitude is like rainfall in the desert.”

When we all come to work and are cheerful and friendly, we create an environment where more people want to be. This is a critical step in creating a positive work environment.



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